User Review
( votes)Com mais de 100 membros, patrocinadores e convidados especiais presentes, o evento lançou luz sobre os desafios do empreendedorismo em Miami e como superar os obstáculos do mercado atual.
Os palestrantes convidados especiais Marcus Dantus da CAMP4- Startup Mexico e Shark Tank Mexico, Moishe Mana da Mana Common, Ricardo Aizenman da Ironman Capital Partners e Flávio Pripas da Digibee compartilharam experiências pessoais e estratégias baseadas em seu sucesso. Também tivemos o prazer de registrar a presença do Cônsul Geral do México, Cônsul Jonathan Chait.
Segundo nota a imprensa “este evento especial foi possível graças aos nossos incríveis patrocinadores: Mana Common, Ironman Capital Partners, Merrill e Stella Artois.”
On July 28th, 2022, Experience Club US held its latest gathering. With over 100 members, sponsors and special guests in attendance, the event shed light on the challenges of entrepreneurship in Miami and how to overcome the hurdles in today’s market.
Special guest speakers Marcus Dantus of CAMP4- Startup Mexico and Shark Tank Mexico, Moishe Mana of Mana Common, Ricardo Aizenman from Ironman Capital Partners, and Flávio Pripas of Digibee shared personal experiences and strategies grounded on their success.
“We also had the pleasure of having the General Consul of Mexico, Consul Jonathan Chait, in attendance.”
“This special event was made possible by our incredible sponsors: Mana Common, Ironman Capital Partners, Merrill, and Stella Artois.”
Enjoy the highlights!